In most cases, we will ship your item the same day when you order by 2pm EST, Monday through Friday. Orders placed after 2pm EST on Friday or on Saturday or Sunday will be shipped the following Monday. Special order items may take a little longer for shipping, but are generally shipped within 2-10 business days. Please be aware that items on the same order may be shipped separately and on different dates. Refer to your order confirmation for more details.
In the event of a holiday, shipping may be delayed. We observe many Federal and Provincial holidays across Canada. If you are in an area that is observing a holiday and are unsure of your shipping date, please contact us.
A contact person must be available to accept the shipment between the hours of 9am – 5pm. This contact person must be available to sign and confirm the receipt of the items that have been ordered.
Contact Us
You may contact us by email at anytime or call us from 9am-4pm EST Monday through Friday. Phone: (519) 753-8686 Email:[email protected] Address: 17 Adi Dassler Way, Paris, ON, N3L 0B9